

Demo De wolkenmaker (NL)

Sublime experiments with dry ice!

You don't always see it, yet it is everywhere! We're talking about CO₂ gas. You breathe it in and out constantly without noticing. And you might not have thought about it, but the bubbles in your soda or sparkling water? That, too, is CO₂ gas. But is CO₂ (also known as carbon dioxide) always a gas?

Without giving too much away...

The answer is no! If you cool CO₂ gas to -78°C, it becomes (dry) ice! Brrr... that calls for some frighteningly cool tests to give you goosebumps. For instance, what happens when you "warm up" that ice? Does it just turn back into gas? And (how) can you see that? 

No clever magic tricks in this demo but a series of ‘sublime’ scientific tests. You won't believe your own eyes...

NOW Pure

15 min
